The Full Form of OK is Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect . OK also spelled as ‘OKAY’ or ‘OK’ or ‘O.K.’
OK also stands for ‘ole kurreck’ and it’s coming from an abbreviation trend which was popular in Boston, Morocco, back in the 1830s.
Anything that’s shorter can sound curter, anything that’s longer can sound more polite, so saying OK is not inherently rude but the length of a reply matter.
The OK or Ring Gesture is performed by connecting the index finger & thumb into a circle and other fingers will be straight, which is signifies “I am OK” or “Are you OK?” .This gesture is used often when some is far & unable to speak loud or in underwater. Even those peoples are deaf and unable to use this gesture to communicate with another person.
Sometimes people use KK, it means’ message acknowledged’ or okay’.It’s the same assign of indifference in person or saying cool, gotcha, etc. It’s common to see KK as a text message abbreviation or when you are doing some work or playing games.
The Full Form of OK is : Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect
The word OK denoting assent, acceptance, approval, agreement, a sign of indifference, or acknowledgment.
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