The Full Form of ARMY is Alert Regular Mobility Young. The word ARMY originated from Latin arma which means arms or weapons. it is the land-based service branch military branch or armed service of a nation.
The army is the part of a country’s military which fights on the ground. People who are in the army called as soldiers. Armies having tanks, airplanes, and helicopters to help soldiers fight on the ground.

Subdivision :
- CORPS: It’s consists of two or more divisions, which is commanded by a lieutenant general.
- DIVISION: Each division holds three brigades including artillery, infantry, engineers, and communications units in addition to supply and service, which is commanded by a major general.
- BRIGADE: A brigade is commanded by a brigadier or brigadier general & sometimes is commanded by a colonel. It typically comprises three or more battalions of different units depending on function. An independent brigade consists of an infantry unit, an artillery unit, an armor unit, and logistics(supply & service) to support its actions. This type of brigade is not part of any division, it’s under the direct command of a corps.
- BATTALION: Each battalion is consists of 500-750 soldiers, which is commanded by a colonel or by a lieutenant colonel. This number depends upon the functionality of the regiment. A battalion consists of 3–5 companies, which includes 3 rifle companies, a fire support company & a headquarters company. Its functional equivalent such as artillery or squadrons ( cavalry and armor), under the command of a major. The company can be divided into platoons, which can again be divided into squads.
The Full Form of ARMY is : Alert Regular Mobility Young
TOP 10 Active Military Personnel in the world :
China | 1 | 2,035,000 |
India | 2 | 1,444,500 |
United States of America | 3 | 1,359,450 |
North Korea | 4 | 1,280,000 |
Russian Federation | 5 | 900,000 |
Pakistan | 6 | 653,800 |
South Korea | 7 | 625,000 |
Iran | 8 | 523,000 |
Vietnam | 9 | 482,000 |
Egypt | 10 | 438,500 |
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