The Full Form of VPN is Virtual Private Network. VPN gives online privacy from a public internet connection by creating a private network. VPN covers internet protocol (IP) addresses so, our online actions are virtually untraceable. Most important, VPN services establish secure and encrypted connections to provide greater privacy than even a secured Wi-Fi hotspot.
Any applications run with VPN give benefit from the security, management & functionality of the private network. Between exit node & local network, VPNs create a data tunnel in another location, which could be thousands & thousands of miles away, seems as the user is in another place. So that, VPNs allow online freedom and the ability to access every apps and websites while on the go.
Full Form of VPN is : Virtual Private Network

VPN privacy: What does a VPN hide?
- Browsing History
- IP Address and Location
- Location For Streaming
- User Devices
- Web activity to maintain internet freedom
Security mechanisms :
VPN security model provides:
- message integrity to detect any instances of tampering with transmitted messages
- sender authentication to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the VPN
- confidentiality such that even if the network traffic is sniffed at the packet level an hacker would see only encrypted data
Hope that this article will informative for you. Thanks for visiting The Full Form Dictionary.