
What Is The Full Form of WWW?

The Full Form of WWW is World Wide Web. WWW is commonly known as ‘THE WEB’, which is an information system where documents and other web resources are identified by URL( Uniform Resource Locators), for ex:- {},  which may be interlinked by hypertext, and are accessible over the Internet.

 The input of the WWW are transferred through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and users may access software application called a web browser and are published by a software application called a web server.

Tim Berners-Lee was the developer of the WWW which was begun in 1989  and his colleagues at the European Organization for Nuclear Research( CERN) which is an international scientific organization situated in Geneva, Switzerland. They created HTTP and protocol which communicates between clients and servers. In January 1992 WWW was made available for general.

The Full Form of WWW is : World Wide Web


Main Components of WWW :

  • Linking
  • WWW prefix
  • Scheme specifiers
  • Web Pages
  • Static Web page
  • Dynamic pages
  • AJAX
  • Website
  • Web Browser
  • Web Server
  • HTTP Cookie
  • Search engine
  • Deep web
  • Caching
  • Security
  • Internet Privacy
  • Web Standards
  • Web Accessibility

Types of WWW :

  • Basic World-Wide-Web Model
  • Universal Resource Identifies
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP)
  • Hypertext Markup Language(HTML)
  • Interactive World-Wide-Web Model

Hope that this article will helpful for you. Thanks for visiting The Full Form Dictionary.

Debabrata Sahoo

Hello, world my name is Debabrata Sahoo. I am a technical writer of this blog. You will find free content on the above topic. For more information visit the “ About ” page. Have a great day😊

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